Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A store of my own....

  This is soo exciting!  I signed a lease for my new quilting adventure on January 10th.  I can't wait to get the keys in my hands to start decorating and getting the store ready to open.  At first it was just going to be a place for me to sew..  since we live in a condo.. space is limited so I was going to rent the space for my sewing room but things just kinda snowballed from there and now I am going to open a full fledged quilting store.  I have my name picked..  Rosie Posie Quilting..  I just filled out the forms with the city and zoning..   now I just have to wait until the landlord finishes cleaning up the space from the prior tenant and then it's all mine!........   mine! mine! mine!  ha...   can't wait to show you.  
